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5 Common Mistakes Couples Should Avoid When Fixing Their Wedding Budget to Save Some Extra Bucks

It can get extremely daunting trying to figure out the wedding budget. Here are the most common mistakes you should watch out for because it is better to be prepared than sorry, right?

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Getting married is not as difficult as dealing with the finances and understanding how much budget is enough for each and every element of wedding planning. Understanding how taxing and exhausting setting a wedding budget can be, we are here to help you understand what's important and what can be ignored! First comes the big announcement and then a heap of cheques, bonds and list of calculations! We agree that it could be the least glamorous part of wedding planning, but we promise it is essential and once you read this piece of information you will find it possible to nail your wedding budget too! 

1. Not Creating a Wedding Budget in the First Place

Avoid falling for this trap because believe us, you will come to regret it big time. No matter how covered you are in terms of money and finances, you still should have a detailed budget with a plan for every item on the list to make the process easier and less stressful. You wouldn't want to wake up on the day of your wedding only to find that you never booked a florist for providing you with Jaimala. Having a specific number will ensure that you don’t go overboard and act smartly with your expenses and splurge but smartly. It’s a great idea to allocate a certain amount of cash for each category such as wedding photography, grooming essentials and more before deciding on a number that you are comfortable with. Don’t leave things out because you think they’re insignificant; include them anyway in the final list, and you can later decide if they are important or not.

2. Going Overboard with the Venue

This may feel unavoidable especially if it’s a popular location or you’re dealing with peak season charges. You’ll be tempted to go ahead and book anyway because this is one of the first things you’ll probably think and not realise it’s too much in the larger scheme of things, because ultimately what happens after you get married is of importance as well. Don’t get swayed easily and do your research a few months prior to the day of your wedding and research well while choosing a location that is both affordable and perfect. Ask your friends to pitch in with suggestions and consider all your options before handing over that check.

3. Stand By Your Wedding Budget

Don’t feel like you’re bad for stubbornly sticking to your budget. You’re avoiding a lot of headache and regret by being clear about what you want and can have in a very practical order of things. It is better to be blunt about what you want and don't than running into an accumulated threshold of debt. Only choose things you really can afford and do not feel pressurised or bend over backwards to accommodate something in the plan. You need to be comfortable and not stressed about the costs. Do consider keeping aside at least a decent part or percentage of your total costs for the various venues and catering charges.

4. Worrying Too Much

Avoid this at all costs as stressing way too much is not good for anybody especially the bride or the groom. If you start getting upset over every small thing and even spend extra to ensure the details match, you’ll risk spending unnecessarily and even then not be in the best frame of mind. Do let go every now and then and trust that everything will turn out fine as it should in the bigger scheme of things. You don’t need to control everything or worry about damage control just in case things fall apart. Remember to keep your receipts in case you decide to return something you don’t need, better prepared than otherwise, right?

5. Last-Minute Expenses 

Do leave a little money aside for this one since it’s highly likely that you may have to spend a little extra at the last minute. This can be anything from transportation costs to more refreshments and extra utilities or booze for guests. Be prepared in advance! Something like a trial session at a salon or the makeup artist because you still don't know which one to pick! 

These five are the top contenders which must be added in your wedding budget listicle if you don't want to spend the next few months repaying the vendors or loans you may have opted for to have the wedding of your dreams! Creating a wedding budget a few weeks prior to the day of your wedding will not only help you save some extra bucks but also ensure that everything is accounted for and nothing is missing from food to the decor to music to keep your guests entertained.

Did you create a wedding budget listicle before your wedding day? Tell us through the comments!