Wedding vendors
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Wedding photographers
Discover the top photographers near you who will immortalise your wedding's most precious moments.
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Wedding planners
Find the best wedding planners that will bring your vision to life and keep things running smoothly.
View wedding plannersWedding planners by region
Wedding decorations
Browse through our selection of professional decorators who will make every aspect of your wedding picturesque.
Find decoratorsChirag Events & Entertainment
The Fusion Decor, Bijwasan
Choose from a wide range of caterers to offer an unforgettable dining experience to your wedding guests.
Find caterersThe Anupam Catering Service
Curated Catering by Design
Discover the best wedding invitation providers and find the style that best matches your wedding theme and colours.
Find invitationsChoreographers
Search through local choreographers and meet the one that you mesh with the most.
View choreographersAnjaneya Wedding Choreography
S&M Sangeet Maker, Faridabad
Dance Team By Vickky
Wedding music
Browse and find some of the greatest wedding music groups and vendors in your area to serenade your wedding.
Find musiciansDelhi Famous Raj Kamal Band
Singer Anish Chhabra
Balaji & Raghu's Ilayathendral Orchestra
All the wedding suppliers you need for your wedding
Astrology & Vastu Consultancy-Dr. Nilakantha Dixit
Promotions you might be interested in
Rahul Jethani
The Wedding Squad
Ishwar Pandit
Girl in Pink Photography, Mumbai
DJ Hemanth, Rajajinagar
6 Steps to put together a wedding team you can count on
A strong team of trustworthy, experienced wedding professionals will help your wedding run smoothly without any bumps. Follow the tips below to choose the right vendors for your celebration. And don't forget to use our Budget Planner to keep your costs in check.
Start with the big vendors. Some of your most important vendors may include your photographer, caterer and hair and makeup. Then you can continue to look for the rest of your suppliers.
Availability. Once you have a wedding date, it's a good idea to ask if the venue is available on your wedding date. If they are available and you're clear on your priorities and the services they offer are suitable to you, ask how far in advance you can reserve the venue. Also ask if they do multiple weddings in one day.
Look at their photos. Each vendor has a gallery of photos so that you can see their work. For example, a decorator should show photos of styles that you like and a photographer should have high quality images you'd be happy with for your own wedding.
Services included. It's important to know what services are included in their total price and which services or extras are charged independently and what are those fees.
You should be comfortable. When you meet with your potential vendor, your communication with them should be natural and fluid. You should feel relaxed and they should reflect professionalism.
Read reviews. Each vendor has a reviews section where you can read testimonials from other couples are have hired them for their own weddings. The perfect way to get a true idea of how they work.
All wedding vendors
Wedding Vendors
- Caterers
- Wedding Invitations
- Wedding Gifts
- Wedding Photographers
- Wedding Music
- Wedding Transportation
- Tent House
- Wedding Entertainment
- Florists
- Wedding Planners
- Wedding Videography
- Honeymoon
- Wedding Decorators
- Wedding Cakes
- Wedding DJ
- Pandits
- Photobooth
- Astrologers
- Party Places
- Wedding Choreographers