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10 Flower Art Ideas That Work Splendidly Well for Your Shaadi Ka Ghar's décor

From amazing table centrepieces, props to hangings, flowers can be used in plenty of creative ways. We bring to you some flower art ideas for your home that you can implement during the days leading up to the big day.

CoolBluez Photography

Is a wedding going to happen in your life anytime soon? If yes, then there will be a thousand and one things that will be running on your mind. One among these is decorating your Shaadi ka Ghar. Marriage is the biggest day of your life, and thus, your home must be dressed up as festively as possible.

There are a hundred different ways to deck up your home, but the one element that always remains a favourite is flower art. Flowers, both real and fake can be used creatively for home decoration during weddings. Have a glimpse to know more!

1. A wall with floral strings

CoolBluez Photography

If you have a bare wall in your home, you can dress it up with strings of flowers to lend a festive look. Floral strings of the same colour or with different colours can be used to decorate a wall of your living room or the dining space. Gainda or jasmine with roses is an excellent idea.

2. Paper plate floral art

Are you a lover of the fine arts like painting? If yes, then try your hands at crafting colourful flowers with paper plates. Use paper plates of different sizes, paint these and then create flowers out of them. Stick these paper plate flowers on any wall of your home to add a vibrant touch to your decor.

Another place where you can use these flowers is the bride’s bedroom. You can dress up her dressing table or walls with colourful paper plate flowers.

3. Fresh flowers in planters

The Wedding Salad

There is nothing in this world that can lend a more cheerful touch to decor than fresh blossoms. If you have empty planters, jars or kettles, then paint them up in myriad colours. Then, fill these up with fresh blooms of roses or any other flower. Place these planters in your garden, or at the entrance of your home.

4. Flower art hangings

Devika Narain and Company

A Shaadi ka Ghar will look grand if you use a lot of hangings made out of flowers. Use birdcages and dress these up with flowers of any kind. Now, hang these up from trees of your garden where functions like bridal shower and Sangeet ceremony are going to take place.

5. Floral drop ornaments

Image courtesy: Wedding Design Company

Create gorgeous drop ornaments using transparent glass balls or terrariums and fresh flowers. Use any kind of flowers like rose or marigold as these lend a festive feel to a Shaadi ka Ghar's ambience. Now, hang these ornaments from the patio or from the windows of your home.

6. Floral rangoli

Image courtesy: State of Art on Instagram

Flower art is in vogue since time immemorial. One of the best flower art ideas that you can use to add a traditional look to your Shaadi ka Ghar is a floral rangoli. Such rangoli designs come in myriad patterns and you can use different varieties of flowers for creating amazing rangolis for your home.

Make a floral rangoli either at the entrance of your house or the patio to make it look festive.

7. Flower art props

Dipak Studios

No marriage home decoration will look glam and festive if you don’t dress it up with props. Wedding props like Jhoolas and swings can be decorated with Gainda strings or roses to make them look grand.

Place these props in your balcony, garden or terrace.

8. Flower art with kaliras

Flowers lend a very glam look to any decor, and when combined with something as traditional as a Kalira, these can take the decor many notches higher. Hang golden Kaliras from strings made out of flowers like jasmine. These can be hung from the roof or trees where events like sangeet and mehndi will take place.

9. DIY chairs with fresh flowers

CoolBluez Photography

Instead of draping the chairs of your home with satins and fabric, use Gainda or other flowers to add a vibrant touch to the decor. Not only will the ambience look more festive, but it will also look fresh.

10. Floral centrepieces on the table

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Place floral centrepieces on tables to add freshness to the decor. Arrange mason jars or vases on tables and fill these up with fresh or fabric flowers. Tables can be placed in the garden or terrace where you will invite your friends for a bridal shower lunch or dinner.

The floral arrangements on the table can enliven the whole atmosphere, making it appear more happy and colourful.

If you want your house to look grand and glam from every nook and corner on the days leading up to the wedding, try these flower art ideas for sure. Combine them with your creativity for best results!

Which among these do you wanna try? Or do you have more ideas to add? Let us know through comments.