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Online Courses on Relationships for Couples You Must Check Out

This lockdown has not been easy for couples. Together or afar, make the best use for your time with Online Courses On Relationships For Couples that could help you & your partner.

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Over the past two months, lives and lifestyles have changed in ways that nobody could have imagined. Especially if we talk about couples, married or to-be-married, there have been so many unanticipated ups and downs that they weren't prepared for. Some have tried and attained to boost their relationship using interesting methods. But there are many couples who are yet to understand the mechanics of this whole "online relationship"!

But no need to worry too much. We have some really helpful info about Online Courses On Relationships For Couples today. Take a look, read, and know about them...and it might help you understand how to make the best out of this situation.

Advantages of Online Courses On Relationships For Couples 

If you're going through a rough patch, especially because of this Corona lockdown, or you're out of innovative ideas to do together as a couple, we understand and we have some ideas to help! The Wedding Wire team was recently chatty with television stars Vatsal Sheth and Ishita Dutta about the impact of corona on couples living together and we stumbled on the idea of online courses for couples relationship courses during the conversation. Online courses on relationships is not a popular trend in India yet, but, we strongly recommend you to give it a try for a few simple reasons:

  • There are methods and ideas that the professional will be able to provide you. It sure will be an easy-to-do task at home by yourselves. These courses are sure to release a lot of pressures and induce fun ice-breakers for the newlyweds!
  • These courses can help you both see life from each other’s perspective. Real case studies from their modules and online chapters, can put both in each other’s shoes and help you understand your partner better. 
  • Online courses on relationships for couples would enable you and your partner to freely talk about your issues, understand them, and resolve them. This will ultimately bring you closer. Relationship milestone achieved!
  • In the process of taking these courses, you might reinvent your relationship and start to ponder on feelings that you forgot. For example, your first date, what would bring a smile on your partner's face or your first love poem for him!
  • Learning about relationships and what make and break them can help you and your partner resolve issues with maturity. These chapters are well researched and give a deeper perspective on life and relationships. 

Where should you look for Online courses on relationships for couples?

Believe it or not, there are many websites that provide online courses on relationships for couples. Udemy, for example, is one of the most popular websites where you can enrol to work specifically on enhancing your relationship during the lockdown. There are other websites and companies too who provide online courses like and

How do Online Courses On Relationships For Couples operate?

There are multiple steps and stages that online courses on relationships for couples follow designed specifically to help couples. Here are some of the major areas that are covered in such courses:

  • ABCs of Communication: It's a known fact that communication is the key to all happy relationships. The first and foremost area that these online courses on relationships for couples take care of is an introduction to how transparent communication can enrich a couple's relation to bringing intimacy.
  • Empathise: Once you learn how to communicate, the next step is empathising with your partner. Any relationship thrives on mutual empathy and these courses put a lot of significance on that.
  • Thriving together: The very next step is to inculcate your ability to communicate & empathise and put that into a peaceful co-existence. Online courses on relationships teach couples to use what they learnt from previous steps for personal well-being as well as in a partnership.
  • Shared Language: Every couple comes up with their own dynamic. This step helps them to materialise that dynamic into physical activities. Like, cooking together, watching movies on Netflix, working out together, or playing games, making potteries...whatever skills define the two of you, it's important to put them to use!

How is it going to help you?

Finally, the big question! Let's talk about the pros of online courses on relationships for couples of two kinds: Couples who are living in the same house; and couples who are forced to maintain a long-distance relationship! Sooner or later, you will run out of ideas on how to cultivate your relationship more. Or get bored of having online dinner dates and game nights.

That's when the experts will help you. They'll provide you with a deeper understanding of relationship building and bonding. They aim to make you a relationship coach but even if you are not considering another career option, the in-depth knowledge can help you strengthen your bonds. Online courses will introduce you to a whole new world of opportunities to make your life more exciting.

A quick idea on the course details

If you decide to take up an online course on relationships for couples through here are some important pieces of information related to you couple courses. Among a whole lot of other kinds of courses, a relationship course consists of 30 lectures covering different aspects and stages of the course.

Each lecture is of variant nature ranging from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, talking, consulting and advising about you and your partner's relationship. There are different exercises and worksheets too assigned to each couple during the course.

Approximately such a course costs ₹1,378 per couple. Udemy also provides other kinds of courses like dating coaches, travel photography, cooking courses, life coach training and so on. Every course is designed with the objective of achieving the best results through simple and practically doable methods.

Online courses on relationships for couples aren't necessarily just for those who are having a tough time or going through a rough patch. These courses can be pursued by every couple to find new ways of staying excited in their partnership.

There are many free online courses as well if you're intrigued to try out something. Take one session, see how it goes, and if you and your partner feel it's something that could help you in any way, why not? After all, experimenting with new things is also an exciting way to spice up your relationship!

So did you find the concept of Online courses for relationships intriguing? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.