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Want to Know How to Get A Glowing Face in 1 Day? Here Are Some Tips

If you have ever wondered how to get a glowing face in 1 day, here is a step by step guide you can follow to have smooth and clear skin! Scroll down.

ShutterDown by Lakshya Chawla

Let’s face it, women are busy creatures. Whether they are managing their households or going out to work, their life is full of hustle and bustle. From going to the market to get food to travelling in public transports to reach their place of work, their skin is exposed to a lot of sunlight and dust. Dust enters your skin and takes away the natural glow of your face.

The worst thing you can do to your skin is roaming around in the sun without a layer of protection. But let's be real, there are so many chemicals in sunscreen, how do we know whether it is protecting our skin or causing it more harm? You need to know how to protect it and save it from getting more damaged.

If you have asked yourselves the question ‘how to get a glowing face in 1 day’ many times just like is, here is a solution applicable to all skin types.

Here is the ultimate guide to get a glowing face in just a day. You can follow this routine regularly for the full effect.

Cleanse Your Face


The first step in ‘how to get a glowing face in 1 day’ is to clean your face. Cleansing is very important to remove the recent coat of dust from your face. Use a non-alcoholic cleanser which is soft and soothing on your skin. Softly apply the cleanser on your face and rub it gently.

Do not scrub your face with it as it can irritate your skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water and dry it with a plush towel. This step is very important and you should do it every day.

Unclog Your Pores


The next step in ‘how to get a glowing face in 1 day’ is to unclog your pores. We recommend using hot steam to open up your pores. It also improves your skin complexion. You can directly use a streamer for unclogging.

If you do not have one, simply boil water in a pan and transfer in it a heat resistant container. Cover the pot and your face with a towel and take the steam for 5-10 minutes and not longer than that.

Limit these sessions to once a week, otherwise, your skin will get dry very quickly or become oily, depends on different skin types. To stop the process, wash your face with cold water so that it remains clean and no pores collect dust.

Do Not Forget About Exfoliating

Tuhina Chopra Photoworks

Exfoliating means peeling the dead skin from the upper layer of healthy skin. If you want to know how to get a glowing face in 1 day, exfoliation is a key step. You can get prescription exfoliators or make one at home with natural products.

Just make sure they have natural antioxidants in them. Honey, sugar, yoghurt, lemon juice and papaya all are great natural exfoliators. You can directly apply honey, papaya and yoghurt on your face. You can also mix half a cup of sugar with olive oil and apply it gently on your face.

Must Moisturise


The next step to how to get a glowing face in 1 day is to moisturise your face with a moisturiser suitable for your skin. Go for an oil-based product instead of water-based one. It will stay on your skin for a longer period.

Apply it right after you are done exfoliating your skin. Damp face helps moisture lock better on your skin.

A Hydrating Face Mask


The last step in how to get a glowing face in 1 day is to use a hydrating face mask. It will close all your pores and keep them hydrated. Just like our body, our skin needs water too so do not miss this step. Ingredients like avocado, olive oil, bananas and aloe vera are great for your skin.

Just make a smooth paste and apply it on your face for 30 minutes. You can also get peel-off face masks from the market. Follow the instructions on the back on the packaging and get the glowing skin you always wanted.

Follow this step in how to get a glowing face in 1 day regularly or at least once a week.

Taking care of your skin is important. We have all asked how to get a glowing face in 1 day millions of times so here is a guide that helps you get your desired skin. You will feel refreshed after following this process and experience the glow instantly.

But doing it just one day will not suffice. For healthy skin, you have to go through this process regularly. Some of these steps can be done daily while others need time like a week or so. Maybe you can make it a weekly routine and have a relaxing spa day at home.

Go to these makeup salons near you for regular facials!