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8 Ideas to Make Your First Anniversary Unforgettable

You will have many anniversaries but there is none like the first one. So make your first wedding anniversary unusual in order to make it unforgettable.

9 Blocks Photography

Congratulations! You’ve passed with flying colours the most difficult time of a marriage: the first year. With adjustments, compromises, likes and dislikes, and many more things, you’ve made through the first year! It’s time for celebration. Following, we present you some of the most exciting ideas to make your first anniversary a one of a kind:

1. Relive the first date

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Yes, it might sound cliché and cheesy and whatever name you want to put it. But how many couples do you know that have actually done it? We know what we’re talking about when we advise you to wear the exact same dress and go to the exact same location where you met your husband for the first time.

Remembering everything that went through your minds and cherishing every step you took on that day that led to your marriage, is an experience that cannot be explained in words. Try it! You’ll come back to thank us!

2. A post-wedding photoshoot

V K Production Wedding Photography

Remember how you all got a pre-wedding photoshoot being all lovey-dovey with a whole lot of expectations in your eyes? Well, get another one! Compare it to the old photoshoot and see what has changed.

A year has gone by, your relationship with your partner has made many twists and turns, does that all reflect in the post-wedding portraits? Is the excitement still alive?

3. A romantic getaway

Let's Go Honey

It’s your anniversary. You need some quality time away from the family and friends, and the constant “Happy anniversary” texts. Give your cell phones a break and give yourself an opportunity to enjoy a romantic getaway.

It doesn’t have to be your second honeymoon (or does it?) but at least a small trip to a hill station or a nearby town, where you’d enjoy each other’s company for a couple of days, won’t hurt anyone.

4. If not a romantic getaway, then a romantic night away

Nirbhay Srivastava Photography

Fine, so not everybody can spend a couple of days out of the city. Then plan a romantic candlelight dinner to compensate that. Try something new! Going to a five-star restaurant is not fancy anymore.

What about buying some wine, a couple of snacks, cupcakes and chocolates? What about taking your partner alongside all that to a deserted place where the views are breath-taking? Try it; you won’t regret this fancy five-star dinner option!

5. Surprise him!

Ok, so you can’t afford to spend some time out on your day because you or your husband is working. But this can’t be used as an excuse to not to do anything special on your anniversary.

During the day, keep sending him pictures every other hour of a piece of your clothing on the floor, till the last one is out. What happens later that day, we’ll leave it to your imagination.

6. Try something new together

The Talking Picture

A Vietnamese recipe that blew your mind and made your mouth water or a sexy salsa dancer that blew your mind and made your mouth water too. Just to prevent you from choking on your own saliva every time you think about them, we recommend you to try them with your partner. Go ahead and cook together.

Take a salsa dance class together. Make this day unforgettable by recalling it as: “remember the day when we learnt to do that together?”

7. Monthly coupons till the 2nd anniversary

Eye of Turtle

Give a book of 12 monthly coupons to your partner. Every month on the exact date of your anniversary, he has the chance to use that coupon. If he doesn’t remember, his loss! In order for him to remember to use these coupons, they need to be exciting. Be creative and let your imagination flow.

8. Print, print, print

Eye of Turtle

Legend says there used to be lovers who used to write love letters to each other. But, most of us modern age people aren’t used to that, so why not print the most significant texts from your partner and frame them? Photo frames are common but text frames can be an amazing anniversary gift. It might require some time but it will definitely be worth it.

Make it special with your own personalised ideas. Re-enacting major moments of your life together can also be a wonderful way to celebrate the day. Dress up for the occasion and make each feel special. After all, you two are the special ones in each other's lives. 

What are you planning to do for your anniversary? Tell us in the comments below.