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10 Super Quirky Marriage Anniversary Wishes To Sister That You Should Go For Instead Of The Same Old Greetings

If your sister's wedding anniversary is fast approaching and this year you want to make it super special for her, then follow through. These super quirky marriage anniversary wishes will crack her up to the next level!

Image Courtesy: Prashant Kumar Photography

Sisters are the most annoying and stupid characters in this whole wide world, but somehow they still manage to be the most precious persons in your life. They might always fight with you but then, they are your constant partners in crime. They might always snitch against you but they also shield you from your parent's wrath(well, not always) They are super dumb but then again they keep you entertained with their silly gestures. Sisters are a very rare species and your's the rarest.

They just instantly lit your life with just their mere presence. They bring happiness and drama, loads and loads of it yet they love you the most. You might never show this but everyone knows that now then she is married and gone, you miss her the most. So, on her special day, make her feel special with your super witty card, filled with marriage anniversary wishes to sister, remind her how complicated, annoying and silly she is (and how you still love her the most)

1. The Bossy Ones

Aanchal Dhara Photography

This is the scariest kind. They love to boss you around and still never gives you the credit you have most rightly earned. But they are also the ones you can always fall back on with all your silly problems. They always got your back. In this case, the best marriage anniversary wishes to sister would be to just keep up the make-believe slavery.

"I was your only slave and then your husband came along (I wonder what he was thinking, now that you have him, hold him for good and love him for life and keep on adding infinite years to his slavery( which he enjoys," facepalm") because unlike me this one is a keeper"

Such marriage anniversary wishes will ensure that she is extra happy on her day.

2. To The Sweetest Sister

This breed of sisters is the sweetest character in this whole world. There is no way you can upset her with whatever you do. She always has a constant smile on her face, which sometimes really annoys you. For this category, the best marriage anniversary wishes to sister would be to just spice up her wedding game.

"You sugarcane factory! Its time to start spicing up things in your marriage, otherwise your husband will get addicted to this sugar high, that you are!"

Take inspiration and make your own version of this marriage anniversary wishes to sister. Bonus points if you're able to craft a set of marriage anniversary wishes which target both her and your jiju.

3. To The Entitled Elder Sister

Image Courtesy: Epic Stories

This one thinks that just because she is slightly older than you, she has a truck-load of responsibilities towards you. She always carries a big load of "big-sister" responsibilities on her tiny shoulders. With a card filled with your marriage anniversary wishes to sister, let her know as much that you appreciate her efforts!

"Marriage is not just about teaching him how to keep his closet clean and to keep wet towels on their dedicated place. Don't do a repeat telecast, you have already done this all with me, its time to just chillax and plan your second honeymoon. Like rn".

Make notes and write your own marriage anniversary wishes to sister this way.

4. To The Coconut-Shell Sister

This one is the most pretentious sister, she will come across as the rudest and the meanest sister ever but she keeps on loving you in her own sweet and simple ways. On her marriage anniversary, with the sweetest marriage anniversary wishes to sister, let her know how much you value her silent care.

"It's been one whole year, now your husband must have cracked the code of your fake frowns and the mystery around your "not-so-serious" serious faces. We know you shout because you care. Keep on this shouting game that we thoroughly enjoy (not seriously) and enjoy an infinite number of marriage anniversaries with your loving and most understanding husband"

Write your marriage anniversary wishes to sister and make her super happy.

5. To The Gajni Sister

Kirandeep Photography

This one just keeps forgetting things, I wonder if she even remembers her own anniversary! The biggest gift for her would be, to just remind her it's her anniversary. In her card of marriage anniversary wishes to sister, all you have to write is

"Just wanted to tell you how much I love you and miss you, also for your kind information the top you were looking for, is with me and I am keeping it. Your new glasses are cool and by the way, tomorrow is your first wedding anniversary so like many other things, don't forget to buy him a cool gift for being your husband."

Just keep on pinging her and reminding her through your marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

6. To The Most Confused Sister

This one can never choose, her head is always on some other spin. The most confused and confusing character on this earth but amid all her confusing spirals, she is a darling. They can never decide for herself but always gives you the best advice. So, for her marriage anniversary, make a handmade card and fill that with the quirkiest marriage anniversary wishes to sister, it's your turn to give her some meaningful insights.

"I know you still can't pick amid tea and coffee but the only decision you were sure about in your life is, your choice of husband and it indeed is the best choice ever, a fluke maybe but the sweetest one at that. Just cherish this sweetest marriage for life because you are too good at it"

Keep appreciating her choice by your marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

7. To The Perfectionist Sister

Fotowalle - The Story Folks

This one can never sit still, she is always on the go to fix something and make something right. On her marriage anniversary, teach her the art of keeping calm. Don't forget to mention this in your card of marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

"Keep calm and look around, it's your marriage anniversary. The dinner might get a bit delayed and it's completely okay! Nobody cares, Not everything has to be picture perfect, let the world mess around for a while. It's time for you to finally enjoy your long overdue couple spa session and to spend some quality time with your loving husband (without trying to fix anything)"

Just tell her that she is perfect through your marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

8. To The Funniest Sister

This one is a goofball, she can find something funny in everything she does. Her silly giggles are the soul of your house. On her wedding anniversary tell her how much you cherish her "not-so-funny" jokes. Don't forget to mention this in her card of marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

"You know what, not everybody can make those lassi moustaches as funny as you do. Now that it's been two years of togetherness, your husband must have developed a taste for your sick sense of humour (if not then god bless him). Keep him entertained and happy. Together you two just keep on adding many more giggly years to your happily-ever-after"

Tell her to keep the giggle on through your marriage anniversary wishes to wishes.

9. To The Most Chilled Out Sister

Design Aqua

This one is the very rare but equally amazing type of sister. They make you have all the crazy fun in life. They help you sneaking in and out of your house. They fund your midnight cravings for crispy pizzas. All in all, they are the best. In this case, the most fitting marriage anniversary wishes to sister would be to tell her -

"I have always loved you and what to do, there is nothing not to love about you. It's your third wedding anniversary and I know you well enough, to say that you two are already having a blast of life together but sometimes it wouldn't hurt you to let him ride the bike (you look the best on it but still...) to let him have the last piece of cake (low blow right!) and you can totally let him order (only sometimes) his favourite pizza (I know its pineapple on pizza, but as they say, life is all about adjustments). Rest of you is just awesome!"

Make her realise how awesome she is through your marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

10. To The Most Careless Sister

This one is the most commonly found these days. They are the exact opposites of the perfectionist sisters and the entitled elder sisters. They are your elder sisters but behave like the youngest one. They enjoy slothing around and having you clean after her. They are super careless but still cute. It's her marriage anniversary and let's make her day extra special with these marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

"The wet towel on the floor, the leftover pizza from the night before, the toothpaste lying without the cap and me, are wishing you a very happy and messy (that's how you like it) marriage anniversary. We all love you and we are praying that this year God may grant you with some sanity and your husband with some (more)sympathy. Stay happy! Stay lazy and live a full life with your super loving husband."

Tell your sloth sister how special she is through your marriage anniversary wishes to sister.

This year rather than just copy and pasting some fancy marriage anniversary wishes to sister, write a heartfelt note for your loving sister and make her realise how better you know her and how much you love her.

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Written by Nikita Sharma