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An Expert Nutritionist Reveals Immunity-Boosting Super Foods

Every age group- seeks special foods or vitamin supplements to boost immunity to combat this wave. Read what a renowned nutritionist has to share on this.



Image Credits - Veronica Kumra

Everyone's health has been affected by this pandemic. Whether it is teens, kids, soon-to-be-married millennials, or older family members. Constant post-wedding anxiety, mulling over impending waves, and stress from covid have been detrimental to their health. Thus, every age group seeks special foods or supplements to boost immunity to combat the harmful effects of the current wave. There are many challenges apart from health too. For instance - The couples are trying to kick wedding postponement blues, kids are trying to cope with their studies and elders are worried about their weakening systems. However, health remains a priority as health is the real wealth.

In keeping with the current times, we went to take expert inputs to combat the weakening caused by low immunity. We explored the superfoods, diet tips, boosters necessary to keep up with the health curve. As a result, we have invited Veronica Kumra, a renowned nutritionist and certified coach, to share Immunity Boosting Food for every age group. Scroll down to know more detailed insights from her for everyone's well-being. 

Immunity-Boosting Food For the couples who are dealing with wedding postponement anxiety


Image Credits - Veronica Kumra

Couples tend to forget to focus on themselves and other important aspects of the wedding planning process because they are so caught up in making the big day perfect. They ignore their health and focus on other important aspects. Here Veronica shares, "It is important to know that this transition period of your marriage is not the only contributing factor to your anxiety, but the food is also another major one. Because the reality is you’ve barely eaten food during this time and are probably overcaffeinated & sleep deprived which is triggering your anxiety. It’s probably a good time to realize that your gut & brain have a direct correlation. And here’s how you can go back to feeling like yourself again and realize that your current circumstances are not as overwhelming as you thought they were. Research has shown, foods that are rich in magnesium help reduce anxiety. Further supported by foods that are high in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 & probiotics to make the effects more impactful. At this point, enhancing your diet with antioxidant-rich ingredients will further help in keeping you calmer with its anti-inflammatory properties.”

Here is a list of superfoods she believes are essential to consume to make this significant time more memorable:

  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Walnuts
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Tofu
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Berries
  • Turmeric
  • Chamomile Tea

Special Tip - Along with the above pointers one should stay hydrated. Drink at least 3L of water every single day.

Also Read - How to Deal With Wedding Postponement Anxiety?

Immunity-Boosting Food For Pregnant & Lactating Mothers


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Image Credits - Veronica Kumra

Pregnant & lactating mothers are deficient in essential vitamins & minerals and must keep themselves overnourished to protect their babies. Consuming nutrient-dense meals and even consuming more calories than before you became pregnant are both parts of this process. Veronica shares her viewpoint here, “Pregnant & lactating mothers are deprived of essential vitamins & minerals. Hence, the mothers must keep themselves overnourished for their baby’s & own health. Yes, it means eating nutrient-dense meals and even consuming more calories than you did before becoming pregnant. Your diet should be rich in essential nutrients such as Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium, Choline, Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, DHA/Omega-3 Fatty Acids & Iodine which will help you and your baby build strong immunity.”

Some food items for pregnant and lactating mothers shared by her - 

  • Folic Acid – for healthy growth & development. Prevents miscarriage & birth defects.
  • Iron – to produce enough hemoglobin
  • Calcium – for healthy bones, teeth, heart, muscles & nerves
  • Choline – for baby’s brain development
  • Vitamin B complex – works as a building block for your baby's growth
  • Vitamin C – for a healthy immune system
  • Vitamin D – to help absorb calcium & build strong immunity
  • DHA/Omega-3 Fatty acids – for baby’s healthy brain & eye development
  • Iodine – for your body to make thyroid hormones that it needs to use & store energy from food
  • Here are a few key ingredients pregnant & lactating mothers must incorporate into their daily diet:
  • Fish – Salmon, Tuna, Cod, Sardines
  • Poultry – Chicken, Turkey, Whole Eggs
  • Dairy -Yogurt, Cottage Cheese
  • Soy – Edamame & tofu
  • Whole Grains – Quinoa, Rolled Oats, Brown Rice, Amaranth, etc.
  • Leafy Greens – Spinach, Kale
  • Lentils & Legumes
  • Nuts & Seeds – Almonds, Walnuts, Pumpkin seeds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds
  • Fruits – Oranges, Berries, Apple, Banana, Avocado
  • Vegetables – Broccoli, Asparagus, Beets, Potatoes, Green peas, Tomatoes, Parsley

Special Tip  - One of the best pieces of advice I can give to lactating & pregnant women is to eat at least one serving of fish every single day as it is packed with various essential vitamins & minerals your body needs at this time. Also, I suggest creating well-balanced meals that are high in fiber & centered around a good source of protein.

Immunity-Boosting Food For Health of the Kids  


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Here are some fun ways to incorporate these essential ingredients. Yet again, Veronica shares a detailed plan for boosting kids' immunity here.  

  • Eggs – In the form of french toast
  • Yogurt – In the form of flavored yogurt, smoothie
  • Milk – In the form of milkshakes, ice cream, cheese
  • Whole Grains – in the form of bread, pasta, popcorn, oatmeal cakes, cereals
  • Potatoes – in the form of french fries, wedges, cutlets, tater tots, mashed potatoes
  • Vegetables – in the form of fritters, cutlets, soups
  • Fruits – in the form of smoothies, juices, popsicles, fun cut fruit bowls
  • Legumes & Lentils – in the form of soups, chillas, croquettes, sabzis
  • Fish, Chicken, Turkey
  • Nuts & Seeds

Special Tip  - While you make your child’s meals appear & taste fun, make sure you are incorporating foods that are essential for your child’s exponential growth, muscle & brain development. It is your responsibility to build them a strong foundation at an early age which they build upon the rest of their lives.

Immunity-Boosting Food For Elders 


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As their parents, you must establish a solid foundation at a young age that will serve them for the rest of their lives. With aging years - it is important to take care of health with some important superfoods. Veronica shares, “It is your responsibility to build them a strong foundation at an early age which they build upon the rest of their lives.”

Here are some fun ways to incorporate these essential ingredients. Yet again, Veronica shares a detailed plan for boosting kids' immunity here.  Each meal should include the following food groups:

  • Protein Source
  • Whole Grains
  • Vegetable & Fruits
  • Healthy Fats

Special Tip  - With age elders bones, joints & muscles begin to become weak again. Hence, optimal nutrition is essential to slow down the aging process & decrease your chances of chronic health problems. A diet rich in protein is highly recommended for the elderly.

Some Important Tips For EveryOne

Image Credits - Veronica Kumra

Veronica says, 'I believe we all have grown up with such evolved tastebuds that giving out specific recipes wouldn’t do justice to your well-thought question. So here are some practices I highly recommend individuals of all genders & age groups to incorporate into their daily routine for stronger immunity." 

  • Start your day with a morning concoction
  • Eat a well-balanced meal consisting of a healthy source of protein, carbs & fats
  • Make sure your diet is rich in protein & fiber
  • Make it a point to eat a large bowl of salad once a day
  • Incorporate a berry-based smoothie spiked with healthy fats & greens at least 2x a week a
  • Drink less caffeine & alcohol instead drink more water
  • Prioritize 7-8yrs of quality sleep
  • Incorporate movement
  • Take out a minimum of 15-20 mins for Vitamin D absorption from natural sunlight.

Also Read - Best Recipes Handpicked From Food Bloggers to Try During the Lockdown

If you are looking for expert advice in these times, you can write to us at You can also visit the WeddingWire Community page to connect with couples like you who have postponed their wedding and support each other through these wavering hours.