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6 Superb Home Remedies for Shiny Hair to Get That Stunning Look

Try these home remedies for shiny hair to make sure you get the perfect look in your wedding pictures!


You have selected the perfect outfit, have that bridal glow radiating from your face and are all set for the wedding when you find that your hair is not as glamorous as you want it to be! That spoils the whole vibe, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Try these home remedies for shiny hair that will improve your locks and give you that sizzling bridal look.

Egg-Honey Hair Mask


Eggs and honey are locally available materials, which is why this is one of the easiest home remedies for shiny hair. Eggs contain proteins that are essential for the overall nutrition of your hair. Also, they are a rich source of fatty acids and lecithin. Though it looks gross, it adds shine to your hair as soon as you wash it off.

How to use: Break an egg and put the whites and yolk in a bowl. Add one teaspoon of almond oil and two teaspoons of honey. Beat it till you get a paste and apply liberally! Wash after 30 minutes with cool water and Voila! Your hair looks like the locks of a Disney princess.

Mayonnaise Hair Mask


Endorsed by celebrities such as Blake Lively, mayonnaise hair mask is again one of the gross home remedies for shiny hair that gives you excellent results. The fact that it is easily available within the confines of your kitchen makes it a popular option too. Plus it does not require as much preparation as the egg-honey paste does.

How to use: Dampen your hair and scalp. According to the length of your hair, take half a cup (or more) of full-fat mayonnaise and apply all over your hair. Leave it covered for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to get those shiny locks. Repeat weekly for better results!

Aloe Vera Hair Mask


Aloe Vera is a popular ingredient in many home remedies for shiny hair. It is 90% water and acts as a moisturiser for your skin and hair. Just because of this, we highly recommend this one to people with dry and frizzy hair.

How to use: Take freshly cut Aloe Vera leaves and scoop four tablespoons of gel from them (or, you know, go and buy Aloe Vera gel packs!). Add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of yoghurt and mix them thoroughly. Spread over your hair uniformly and leave for about half an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you could mix some aloe vera gel with a single teaspoon of olive oil and a few crushed hibiscus flowers. Cover your head with the liquid solution and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

Beer Wash


Beer has a soothing effect on the scalp and hair (and your mood ;P). No wonder, it is counted among the top home remedies for shiny hair. If you have some left at home, it could be a handy tool mainly because alcohol can help with absorbing moisture and creates a cooling effect when applied over the head.

How to use: First use your regular shampoo for washing. Then using a small funnel-like cap, pour the beer slowly over your head. Massage for some time to let the beer sink in. Leave it untouched for about 5 to 7 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water to get those beautiful, shiny tresses.

Yoghurt Hair Mask


Yoghurt contains many healthy bacteria, which is why it is used in home remedies for shiny hair. The high lactic acid content of yoghurt acts as a cleansing agent for the scalp and keeps any bacterial and fungal infections at bay!

How to use: Straighten out your locks with the help of a wide-toothed comb. Make sure the yoghurt you are using is a plain one, not a flavoured one, which may do just the opposite of what you were expecting: make it worse! Apply evenly over from the roots towards the ends. Cover with a cloth or a cap. Wash it off 30 minutes post-application to get instant shine!

Gelatin Mask


If you have dry and damaged hair and are desperately looking for home remedies for shiny hair, gelatin could be your solution. It has a high composition of hydrolysed proteins which are good for both, your hair and scalp.

How to use: Take some lukewarm water in a bowl or a tall jar. Dissolve one tablespoon full of gelatine by stirring vigorously. Add some lavender oil drops and a single teaspoon of apple cider. Apply the mixture all over your hair and scalp. Leave for around 10-15 minutes and wash gently. Follow the procedure twice a week and your hair will look just magnificent with that smooth feel and shiny look.

Practising home remedies for shiny hair has several advantages. They are inexpensive, as compared to beauty parlour treatments, do not contain synthetic chemicals that may damage your hair, can be done with common household materials and are sure shot treatments!

Their testimony lies in their use since time immemorial and the fact that they have been passed on for generations in your family!

Get that perfect bridal hairstyle created at one of these salons near you!