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Gift Your Wife These First Wedding Anniversary Gifts

Make your wife feel special on your first wedding anniversary with these interesting gifting ideas. So read on and start adding these gifts to your wishlist now!

Image Courtesy: Dark Chamber Studio

Every couple plans on doing something out-of-the-box and extra special for their first wedding anniversary. You two have just completed one year of being married, syncing in with each other’s lifestyles, making your personal space a coupling space and changing your preferences from individual ones to dual kinds.

You have also become well versed with each other’s likes and dislikes, which makes the gifting experience for the first wedding anniversary a bit easier. Using this privilege, you can plan on gifting your wife something unique for the first anniversary. Let’s get honest here! All girls love showing off what gift they receive from their husbands.

So how about making the show-off worth it and gifting her something that no one would have ever thought of gifting their lady-love in your circle? Our guide on gifts for first anniversary will help you win the title of being the best husband of the year award. Take a look!

Cook for Her to Make It Extra Special

One Eye Vision Photography

Hire a chef for the day, if you must, but book the day to cook up a three-course (if not more) meal for the two of you at home. Because there is nothing sexier than a man whipping an anniversary cake or rolling pasta for her lady love; in the kitchen. Give her a day off from the kitchen and let her feel special. If you love cooking yourself, then flatter her with your skills.

But if you don’t know much about cooking, then browse through some easy-to-cook recipes online and replicate the ones that don’t take up many skills to prepare. Don’t forget to pair some wine to go with your food course, as it is all about setting up a romantic date for two at home.

Adopt a Pet if You Are Pet Lovers

Pranav Bagade Photo & Films

If your wife is a pet lover then plan on taking her to the nearest animal shelter on your first wedding anniversary date. There is nothing more romantic and awe-inspiring than to bring home a fur kid that you two can become parents to.

Put into consideration you two’s work schedules and availability of someone at home and then decide between adopting a dog or a cat to bring home. But let us remind you that adopting a pet is a serious and lifelong responsibility, so be absolutely sure before taking this decision and gifting her an adopted fur kid that is to stay with you throughout its life.

A Beginner’s Caffeine Kit if You Are a Coffee Connoisseur 

One Eye Vision Photography

This is something that you would need time to curate for her personally. But trust us when we say this, she is going to love it and this will turn out to be one-of-its-kind of a first wedding anniversary gift, that she will cherish for a really long time. Now, this gifting suggestion is meant for women who cannot start their day without a cup of coffee or tea.

For women who know their coffee/tea and love trying out different blends, a beginner’s caffeine kit can be a great gifting option. Simply look online for the finest of coffee and tea blends available, try to recall her preferences in terms of brew and strength of caffeine and purchase an assortment that she can experiment with.

Next, look for a coffee brewer depending on the space and usage. You can either go for a full-fledged coffee brewing and frothing machine and set it up on the kitchen table on the day of your first wedding anniversary, or you can purchase a compact and travel-friendly brewer if your wife is on the go always.

A Salon Day to Pamper Her

Image Courtesy: Wedding Documentary

If your woman loves spending time at a salon, then you need to find out which one is her favourite go-to salon place. Book an appointment for her, purchase a grooming package or simply tell the staff to put all her services on your card and let her have a day full of Cinderella dreams! Let her indulge in some nail art, get a facial to rejuvenate, consult a hairdresser for a make over and enjoy her time getting her favourite salon services done for the day.

Conclude the first wedding anniversary surprise by planning a romantic dinner date to take her out for next. With her all ready after her salon services to go party and get clicked to creative beautiful first wedding anniversary memories, this will be a perfect way to settle with on your first wedding anniversary night.

A Fitness Tracker to Keep Her Fitness in Check

Vivek Krishnan Photography

Let her know that you care for her health by gifting her a nice fitness tracker. With so many options available in the market, you can select the one that fits your budget right. While each fitness tracker comes with its own sets of features, your wife can easily track her footsteps, sleeping pattern and heart rate on the monitor for a healthier daily lifestyle.

If you invest in a fitness tracker that has upgraded features, then the models will also offer call and message notification features that surely will come in handy for a busy woman at work, upon daily usage.

We know that you are truly grinning at the moment, having short-listed the first wedding anniversary gift for your dear darling. Women love receiving a fresh bouquet of flowers, so add the cherry on top by getting her favourite florals delivered secretly at your doorstep early morning to surprise her with.

And while you’re at it, how about dressing up in attire that the wife admires you in the most and bring a huge smile on her face? When it comes to gifting the wife or impressing the wife, it is all about giving attention to detail. This way, she will know that your gestures are heartfelt and exclusively just for her!

Do share with us how did you spend your first wedding anniversary day and what did you end up gifting her on the occasion.