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9 Gift Item for Marriage Ideas for Your Daughter-In-Law to Help Her on This New Journey of Her Life

Gifts are the perfect embodiment of love and care. They speak what words cannot. If you are seeking gift item for marriage, the below list will help you build a great bond. Cheers to new bonds!

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It’s no surprise that during weddings, there is an incessant shower of gifts from friends and family. However, out of the swarm of gifts the couple receives, some hold a special place, say, the first gift that a mother-in-law gives to her daughter in law after the wedding that is a token of good wishes for her next stage in life.

So, if you are looking for a meaningful gift for your daughter in law, that is, something more than Shagun Ke Kangan or token showpieces and photo frames, you have landed at the right place. Here is a list of 9 meaningful wedding gifts you can give to your daughter in law after marriage or on the wedding day, which will not only make her feel loved but help her cope with the new responsibilities.

1. Personalised Bracelet

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This gift item for marriage will be a warm start to your relationship with your daughter in law. Spend some time and go for a customised piece of jewellery like a personalised bracelet with your daughter in law's name inscribed over it. Try to get to know her better and accordingly include other symbols or design or go for a charm bracelet with all the things she feels attached to and are essential to her in life. In this way, you are not only doing your obligatory job but making her feel you actually want to try to build a healthy relationship and that she will have your love, blessings and support.

2. House Plants

Image Courtesy: Carousell

After the wedding, most of the couples move into their own house due to the nuclear family structure or simply because they need their own space and rightly so. However, it is difficult to set up a new home from scratch, and this gift item for marriage will actually be your token of support and blessing for their new abode. Gift her house plant to adorn the new house as they are always seen as symbols of good wishes and happiness.

3. Bed and Bath Linen

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With setting up a new home comes a plethora of little things which might tire out a person. Hopping from shop to shop for bed sheets and towels is one of those. It is a practical option to gift them a set of bed and bath linen as a gift item for marriage and give them a smooth and fresh start in the new setting. They will surely appreciate this little step.

4. Books

If your daughter in law likes to read a lot, books are hands down the best gift for your daughter in law. As anybody who loves to read would tell you, no amount of books are ever seen as too many books, and there is no wrong occasion for gifting somebody a book. Get to know her favourite author or series and get her a signed copy or the first copy of a new book by the author as a gift for marriage and look at them basking in that warmth. You can also help the couple set up a mini library by gifting them a nice book cabinet.

5. Couple Watch Set

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Watches have always been a sophisticated option to gift to someone when you can think of nothing else. While everyone has a different taste in watches, you can still gift them a piece of your liking as their first gift item for marriage.

6. Dinner Set

This is another practical gifting option for the newlyweds as a gift item for marriage considering the number of festival lunches and dinners the newlyweds have to host for the friends and family. Also, this will be a true blessing for them to have a nice and new China dishware or some swanky Opal ware dining set on their table.

7. Dress

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Gifting a saree or suit to your daughter in law as a gift item for marriage is an age-old tradition, and it still holds strong. However, you can go further and gift her something other than this too. You can go for a nice evening dress or a fitting pair of jeans or heels as her first gift which she can cherish every time she puts it on. You will have to be aware of her choices and sizes first though.

8. Gift Card

If you are not sure of what exactly she will like as you haven't got enough chance to get to know her that well, this gift item for marriage is for you. A gift card is an easy way of gifting someone whatever they want. You can go for a gift card from any popular e-commerce site or any other site and let her choose whatever she wants to get the first gift from you to be.

9. Exclusive Dinner

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This one is a little more effort than others, but it will pay off for sure. Instead of gifting your daughter in law anything material for the sake of tradition, you can wait for her to settle down and then as her first gift for marriage, take her to a cosy and nice restaurant. Spend some quality time with her by knowing about her, telling her about yourself and sharing your thoughts and views on anything from movies to life. This will set a warm tone for the rest of your relationship, and she will know she can come and talk to you anytime. It is an excellent emotional investment for the future.

Therefore, it is time for you to bond with the new entry in the house. With these thoughtful ideas for a gift item for marriage, break the ice and get them to smile.

Do you have more gifting ideas for marriage? Share them with us in the comments below.