The Only Set of Album Design Ideas You Need for Fantastic Wedding Covers & Albums This Season!
A wedding album is something that stays with you forever and it is the collection of your memories. Therefore, make sure that you have the best album design that you can proudly show off!

Image courtesy: Amintirideneuitat
The pictures you click at your wedding represent a thousand good memories and thus need to be kept safely and beautifully. The wedding albums have come a long way from the way they looked in the earlier decades, especially with the development of digitally created pictures. When you think about a wedding album design, its evolution is truly remarkable.
While the earlier wedding albums were like scrapbooks with black and white pictures pasted on them, they slowly changed to coloured photographs and sophisticated albums. However, soon the huge albums with a ton of pictures in them were considered too heavy to carry. This is when that album design changed once again. Now, it had digitally printed photographs on plastic sheets, giving each sheet the glossy finish it needed, also making the album much lighter. This approach made the wedding albums just like the portfolios of top models.
The latest innovations in the design are based on the covers of the wedding albums. Though we often hear how we should not judge a book by its cover when it comes to wedding albums, we totally can! We can have an understanding of how the album must look inside by looking at the cover. This is why you must choose your design carefully. You can have a leather finish design, a net-based finish, or just the classic hardboard with different artwork on it.
The following are a few of the best wedding album designs that have the ultimate modern look to them!
1. The chocolate coloured album with elastic band
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A chocolate coloured hardboard album can never look boring. The colour in itself is so great that it does not need too many designs. The simple look gives a classic vibe to the album design. The cover has a miniature wedding invitation with the names of the bride and groom and the date of the wedding. The elastic band keeps the album in place. Furthermore, it can be used as a bookmark so that you can continue viewing the album from where you left off. The wedding album has a cardboard case and then a leather bag to hold it, making it extremely safe and free from looking too old or boring!
2. Go spiral and simple
Image Courtesy: Hudles
Spiral binding has always been one of the classiest ways to create an album. The best thing about this album design is how we can easily turn every page, which is not the case with most other album designs. Another great idea that you can use is using two wooden planks as the cover and back pages of the album. You can create beautiful patterns on it using heat and then name the album with the names of bride and groom. This would look just stunning and can make it a completely different album than the regular ones you may see at your friend’s place.
3. The lovely net finish
Image Courtesy: Anastasia Volodina
If you think the wooden finish can be too heavy for the album, here is an album design that is on the lighter side. The use of heavy papers covered with beautiful net pieces is what makes this album a thing of beauty. The lovely net finish is not just for the cover pages but for the inside pages as well. However, in this design, the pictures are not digitally printed ones but physical pictures that you can place in various net pockets, making it a different design. You can choose the colour of the net according to your preference, of course! There’s no wrong answer there!
4. The vintage leather cover
Image Courtesy: Kreatif Album
Leather and vintage are synonymous with each other and here is an album design that has elements of both of them. This design has a leather cover to it with two leather strands tying the album cover from both sides. This gives a classic vintage look with thick parchment sheets inside. With such a design, you need to paste pictures on top of these sheets. If you are willing to go the extra mile, then you can go for an all-monochrome album as well to give it the complete vintage look.
5. Beautiful black background
Image Courtesy: Pixel Shot Id
Enough about the covers, here is an example of how the album can look incredibly great from the inside! The black background always makes the pictures look beautiful. It is the modern interpretation of the classic scrapbook but with the pictures now being digitally printed on sheets. Such an approach gives your wedding album a professional and sophisticated touch. You can make the album design cooler by printing the images with disproportionate designs.
A wedding album is something that is possibly the only physical representation of the wedding day, which stays with you for a lifetime. Create it in a way that you cherish your wedding couple photos whenever you revisit them.
Get in touch with our ace wedding photographers for the most stunning pictures on your wedding day!